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Mission Harriettes
Mission Harriettes Hash    Wednesday, January 30, 2008 6:30pm
Hare(s): B.O.R.T., Cockeye and Nookie Monster
Location: Friars Road-Mission Gorge Road (North End of Riverdale Street)
Directions: Friars Road or Mission Gorge Road to Riverdale Street, North End of Riverdale Street, at Zion.
Thomas Bros: 1249 H6
Run Fee: $5 members; $6 others
Trail type: (not specified)
Dog friendly: (not specified)
Cockeye's Cooking, Cockeye's Cooking, Cockeye's Cooking, Cockeye's Cooking! Tentative menu is lemon baked chicken, creamy italian cole slaw and either roasted Yukon potatos or white bean chili and a dessert, either apple cake (by Marit) or fresh fruit.

Also, a beer check with good beer (Sierra Nevada).

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