Half-Assed Logo

Our hash was created to welcome Virgins to experience the wonders of hashing without being scared off by the idea of putting feet to the pavement in the honor of fun. While other hashes in the area are tried and true, and definitely offer a great time, our hash expands on some different traditions with the focus more on fun than running. But we are NOT a "walking" hash. Our trails offer as much shiggy and fun as other hash trails, at a fraction of the size! Our only set rules are that the virgins are welcome, the beer is flowing and the trails are not too long!

Join the Half-Assed Hash Email List!
Sign up for the HAH3 Yahoo Group to get Half-Assed Hash news and run starts sent directly to your email!
Click HERE! HalfAssedH3-subscribe@yahoogroups.com

All run starts for the Half-Assed Hash and every other San Diego hash posted on SDH3.com

Also don't forget to check out our page on HASHSPACE (must be a member)

What is hashing??
One or more Hares will set a trail in flour, chalk or toilet paper over any kind of terrain. The Pack will follow shortly and try to catch the Hare(s). The Hare(s) will try to slow the pack down with various checks, false trails, difficult terrain and, our favorite, drink checks! At the end we celebrate with a ceremony called Religion, sing songs, eat and drink.

How do I start hashing with Half-Assed?!

1. Must be at least twenty-one years old. We're a drinking club (with a running problem). There will be alcohol.
2. Visit sdh3.com to find the run start information (when, where, how much it costs, who's haring, special notes, etc)
3. Show up! This hash is for you! We can't wait to meet you!
4. VIRGINS RUN FOR FREE!!! (virgins have never hashed before. Ever.)
5. Wear shoes and clothes you don't care about. You might get dirty!
6. Bring a change of clothes appropriate for the climate and a dry pair of shoes.
7. Bring a flashlight. You may run in the dark, even in the middle of the day!
8. Bring an open mind and a good sense of humor. We pick on everybody!
9. Bring an open minded friend with a good sense of humor. We love a crowd!
10. Leave the children* at home. We're an adult hash and we may say a bad word or two.

*Children = anyone 0-20 years old and anyone who has a personal lawyer or ax to grind.

Half Assed Missmanagement

How do I hare for Half-Assed? (Basic Hare Guide)

1. The trail cannot be longer than three miles. Shoot for 2.5 to be sure. We're called the Half-Assed for a reason!

2. Contact the hare raiser and set a date
3. HAH3 Runs Saturdays when no other hash or hash event in sd is happening.
4. You are responsible for everything.
5. If you don't want to deal with food or end near food, make sure you post that in your run notes
6. The trail cannot be longer than three miles.
7. Don't forget, virgins are free!!!
8. Stay in your budget or charge a bigger fee accordingly
9. Provide your expense receipts! Profits, if any, go to the hash.
10. Did we mention that the trail cannot be longer than three miles?


The Half-Assed Hash will always honor the memory of one of our great RA's, Shigmata, who left us on

Christmas Eve, 2009. Party on, Shiggy!

You, too, can honor his memory by donating to the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention

The American Foundation for Suicide Prevention (AFSP) is the leading national not-for-profit organization exclusively dedicated to understanding and preventing suicide through research, education and advocacy, and to reaching out to people with mental disorders and those impacted by suicide.