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Larrikins Hash  Every Monday night.   Monday, October 11, 2021 6:30pm
10-11-12!!! Dyscalculia Day!
Hare(s): Fucking Larry, Corny Bee
Address: 4421 Genesee Ave,
San Diego, CA 92117
Directions: Balboa Tap House,
right next to the Clairemont DMV
Map Link:
Run Fee: 4
Trail type: A to A
Dog friendly: Yes
Okay you fucking half-minds!
I have no idea what Im doing, per usual - but I have enlisted the help of a better and certainly cuter harriet to help me out!! Corny Bee! I calling this the 10-11-12 hash, since that's the date, right!?!?! ;)

Help me out by wearing clothes with any or all of the numbers or, fuck it!, any other numbers on them. I mean baseball or football jerseys work for sure, sharpies on a cheap t-shirt work, whatever. Bonus points for the most creative. And if you do not want to do that, just remember the only rule of hashing!!!!
This is coming out of one of my favorite areas of Clairemont, and this brewery LOVES us!!
Balboa Tap House!!

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