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Humpin Hash  Every Sunday afternoon.   Sunday, January 28, 2007 2:00pm
Don't need no Stinkin "PO"
Hare(s): KUMRAD, Chick Clit, Two Fisted, and stinkin
Location: Beer Springs Park n Ride (West Side, next to AMPM)
Directions: 78 East to 15 North exit Deer Springs (Deer Springs is 4 miles North of the 78, west side of the 15, next to AMPM)
Thomas Bros: 1089 C6
Run Fee: 5.00
Trail type: (not specified)
Dog friendly: (not specified)
The great RA has ordered a no wind, 70 degree run start for SUNDAY, SUNDAY, SUNDAY!

THREE Beerchecks!

After giving everbody PO last week, we almost didn't let Stinkin "PO" hare with us, . Instead he will be giving a lecture on the proper way to avoid PO.

STINKIN "PO" for Hashshit!

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