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San Diego Hash
Friday, August 1, 2008 6:30pm
God's Country Clairemont!
Hare(s): Heaven's Gate, Anal Appraisal and Donny Osmond
Location: Clairemont Square Mall, behind the AAA building
Hasher's guide to Poison Oak Directions: From Genesee head west on Clairemont Mesa Blvd, turn north onto Clairemont Dr at the KFC, turn left into the mall after the McDonalds before AAA, turn right after Subway and park behind the AAA/Subway building. Thomas Bros:
1248 E1
Run Fee: $7 -- food is included! Trail type: (not specified) Dog friendly: (not specified) Notes: Heaven's Gate will be laying a live trail through God's Country Clairemont with a new, surprise ending! No, it's not Donny's house, but you might want to bring a bathing suit and towel, and yes the ending and trail are dog friendly.