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Larrikins Hash  Every Monday night.   Monday, April 12, 2010 6:30pm
Beer Pride Day
Hare(s): Coppertone Bone and *Cream* La Queefa
Location: First Ave. at Beech St., downtown SD
Directions: S on I-5, rt. on Front St. quick left on Beech to 1st AV; or take 163 S to 4th AV exit, L on 4th, R on Beech to 1st; or 5 N , exit B St., L on B, R on 5th, L on Beech to 1st.
Thomas Bros: 1289 A2
Run Fee: $3, and $$ for glorious consumption by you
Trail type: (not specified)
Dog friendly: (not specified)
Take pride in your favorite beer by wearing a BEER T, tank, hat, necklace, shorts, panties or ?

On-In has superb beer and pub grub, so bring 'nuff bucks to fully enjoy. Trail may suck, but you will get In, imbibe and not whine. (Wining allowed, if thou preferest and yet be worthy.)

On-street meters are free after 6, sufficient within a few blocks any direction from run start. (Half)mind some one way streets.

And if anyone calls CLQ "Queen" she's gonna punch them in the mouth... got it?

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