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Humpin Hash
Sunday, January 30, 2011 2:00pm
Divorce Hash
Hare(s): Judy Garglyn, Jacuzzi Douche Me, All Turd Boy, Wax My Ass
Location: NE corner of Westfield North County Fair mall lot near Wax's Tavern
Directions: I-15 to Via Rancho Pkwy East, Left on Beethoven (2nd light), continue to far end of mall and LFH. Thomas Bros:
1150 B2
Run Fee: $8.00 plus optional beverage contribution for On-On-On Trail type: (not specified) Dog friendly: (not specified) Notes: Cum prelube at Wax's Tavern any time after noon, then celebrate the return to single life of two of our hottest hariettes, Judy and Jacuzzi. Guys, let's show these ladies how sad we are that these poor girls' marriages didn't work out and that they're single again! On trail you will have your own opportunities to collect alimony checks, or you may end up owing child support. Prizes for divorcees collecting and owing the most. NOTE THE $2 HIGHER RUN FEE, allowing us to offer another awesome All Turd-Wax meal. We won't reveal the end but "2011 Return of the Nak'd Jacuzzi" is a hint; another is that we usually run out of beer when we gather here, hence your invitation to bring something to drink later on.
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