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Humpin Hash
Sunday, January 26, 2014 2:00pm
Influenza Hash
Hare(s): Anal Rose, 3 P On Myself and Drug em and Plug em
Location: West Buffet parking lot, El Camino Real
Directions: Click link above for google map. 5 or 15 to 78, exit El el Camino Real South. Right on Haymar immediately after bridge, or waste your time driving around the mall until you find hashers. Park at West end of lot on corner of Haymar and S. Vista Way. Run Fee: $6 unless you can get Obamacare to cover it Trail type: A to A prime On after: The Q Restaurant and Sports Bar Dog friendly: No Notes: Tired of a stuffy head, achy body and coughing fits? Us too. Drug 'em and Plug 'em is a bone fide member of TnA and has been cooking up a con-cock-tion to administer that will cure what ails ya! Come see if 3PO learned any tricks from his first trail last week as he dazzles you with his cunning display of shiggy. They grow up so fast, don't they? There will be actual virgin shiggy (no, really!) and some tried and true treasured trail that you've been missing.
Bring a flashlight and dry shoes. Be the first Hasher NOT to ask me "Do I really need to bring a flashlight and dry shoes?"
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