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Larrikins Hash  Every Monday night.   Monday, August 6, 2018 6:30pm
3rd Anal Bridge Bonanza
Hare(s): Butthurt, High Beams, Downward Becky
Address: The Hole In The Wall, Point Loma
Run Fee: $4
Trail type: A to A
Dog friendly: No
Becky is BUTTHURT about not winning all the hashes, so she'll be getting HIGH (beams) on a damn bridge! Your three hares are bringing you your third year of jaunting through Point Loma, on a bridge, off a bridge...bonus points if you can out-swim the harbor patrol! Trail will be long, wet, and a little bit drunk because as we know - let's all say it together now - THE HOLE ALWAYS WINS! See you there!

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