View Map San Diego HashFriday, March 15, 2019 6:30pm
IDES OF MARCH HASH Hare(s): Stop the Bus & ArgenTuna
Address: Intersection of Regents Rd and Lahitte Ct., San Diego 92122
Directions: From SR-52 turn north on Regents. Keep going 'til the road ends. Look for screaming hashers. Map Link: Run Fee: $10 Trail type: A to A Dog friendly: Yes Notes: Caesar: Et tu, Brute? Brutus: We warned you about singing Who Put the Run in Drunk
The Ides of March was an unlucky day for Julius, but is a lucky day to hash because you get to wear a toga. Or Roman garb. Or green for St Patty's Day. Or your lucky underwear. Whatever. Ignore your inner soothsayer and get ye to the SDH3.