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Humpin Hash
Sunday, May 26, 2019 2:00pm
Humpin's 2019 Mammorial Day Run
Hare(s): Pop Rocks, "....." LARRY & Glitter Tits
Address: 4729 Mount Etna Drive San Diego, CA 92117
Mount Etna Neighborhood Park
Directions: Park on Mount Etna Drive near the church. Look for us near the church by the farthest bench. Run Fee: 7 Trail type: A to A Dog friendly: Yes Notes: Pop Rocks and Glitter Tits will run you thru their childhood stomping grounds. The Shiggy will be awesome and PO FREE!!!
Be sure to bring CASH and ID and a shirt on TRAIL!
It is Memorial Day so be sure to CUM decked out in your best Red, White & Blues and/or silkies.
For food we will be serving typical but awesome Memmorial Day food such as Hamburgers, Baconwrapped Hotdogs, Chicken Boobs, Pasta Salad, Macaroni Salad, Watermellon and grilled veggies for the Vagatarians. ON ON
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